Inner Awakening for Global Change

– A Journey with Meditation and Spiritual Research

free online talk with meditation exercises and discussion by Inessa Burdich – organised by Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago.

Rudolf Steiner 1924

Given that learning through biographical examples can be very helpful and instructive, Inessa will begin her presentation by sharing some of her personal journey with meditation and research projects. We will then delve into the crucial challenges of the present, exploring the hidden spiritual battles that underlie the material world, as understood through Anthroposophy. Drawing on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, the presentation will address the concealed issues between materialism and spirituality, offering insights into how inner development through meditation and “cleansing” of negativity in personal biography can serve as a powerful tool for personal development in order to be able to make a practical and positive contribution to transforming the pressing concerns of our time.

Spiritual Science Research represents a further advancement of personal meditative work, distinguishing itself by its systematic investigation.  Research or contemplative inquiry extends into a diligent quest for knowledge of the higher worlds, exploring both the inner self and the external world. Through this relentless pursuit of researching, individuals are empowered to navigate modern problems and contribute meaningfully to the renewal of the world.

Participants will be invited to join in meditative exercise to deepen their understanding of the themes addressed during the presentation. Additionally, an overview of the Spiritual Science Research course will be proposed. We will conclude with a Q&A session to further explore the insights presented.

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This is an introduction talk to the Spiritual Science Research courses, including:

Spiritual Science Research – online course in English

Spiritual Science Research – Weleda cours

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About the facilitator, you can find here

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The next talk is organised by Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago will take place online on October 27, 2024, Sunday

6 pm UK time

19:00 Europe

12:00 PM CT (US, Canada)

The talk is free. To get the zoom link please contact

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For more information, please, contact