Spirit Self Lab is an initiative dedicated to further Spirit Self research.
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Rudolf Steiner, GA 100-5, The Gospel of St. John, 20 November 1907, Basle
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“Those human beings who had brought the Spirit Self to birth within them, were called Children of God; in such men “the light shone into the Darkness and they received the light.” Outwardly they were, men of flesh and blood, but they bore a higher man within them; the Spirit Self had been born within them out of the spiritual soul.
The “mother” of such a spiritualised man is not a bodily mother, she lies within him; she is the purified and spiritualised spiritual soul; she is the principle who gives birth to the higher man. This spiritual birth, a birth in the highest sense, is described in St. John’s Gospel.
The Spirit Self or the Holy Spirit pours into the most highly purified Spiritual Soul. This is referred to in the words, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.” (John 1:32).”
Rudolf Steiner, GA 100-5, The Gospel of St. John, 20 November 1907, Basle
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„The I may become so strong as to transform, by its very own power and strength, the Astral body.
What the I then makes of the Astral Body is called ‘Spirit-Self’.
This transformation is based mainly on a process of learning, through an enriching of one’s inner life with higher ideas and perceptions.“
Rudolf Steiner, GA 34–4
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“A small part of the fifth root-race will forestall the course of evolution, it will spiritualise Manas and unfold the Spirit-Self. The majority, however, will reach the summit of selfishness. Only this nucleus of humanity, that develops the Spirit-Self, will become the seed of the sixth root-race, and the most advanced of these, the Masters, as we call them, who have grown out of mankind, will then be the leaders of humanity. The movement for spiritual knowledge strives towards this goal.”
Rudolf Steiner,, GA 97, 7 March 1907, Düsseldorf, Adept – School of the past
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“This is the characteristic of the spirit-self that it presupposes these
three traits,
of which I have spoken, in the human souls, as spiritual science says it:
- brotherly social living together,
- freedom of thought, and
- pneumatology – (the study of spirits and spiritual beings – the branch of Christian theology that works with the Holy Spirit.)
A human community just needs these characteristics within which the spirit-self is developed …
In our brotherly study groups we perform work which flows up to the growing forces preparing the spirit-self.”
Rudolf Steiner, GA 159, 1915.06.15
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