Inessa Burdich is a Spiritual Science researcher and a therapeutic consultant for individuals and organisations.
She is a Trustee for a Rudolf Steiner research and educational trust dedicated to supporting individuals with special needs, and leads courses in Anthroposophical meditation and supersensible perception.
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After graduating as a physicist (Nanotechnology), she embarked on an international business career spanning two decades (also gained an MBA). Her first passion was chess; she was a professional chess player and chess coach for several years.
She began to work as a coach in 1987 and as a meditation and personal development courses leader in 1996. She gained a master degree in Psychology (2006); an MSc a Therapeutic Education, UK (2016); and two years of psychiatry study, Germany (2022).
She has been practising meditation throughout her life from a very young age.
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Her main domains of activity are:
— Spiritual Science Practical Research particularly related to anthroposophical medicine, encompasses the development and production of mistletoe-based remedies, as well as homeopathic and anthroposophical remedies; the spiritual sources of various illnesses, including oncological and psychiatric conditions, among a diverse array of research projects.
Research projects together with anthroposophical organisations.
— Counselling organisations and individuals, carrying out a spiritual audit of buildings and places. Personal therapeutic consultancy and coaching support and foster harmony according to your spiritual aspirations.
— Spiritual Science Research – courses, talks and workshops on Anthroposophical Meditation and Supersensible perception;
— The Power of the Light of Christ – international Christological initiative. Meditation for the Earth, the people and all beings;
— The Gospel of John – study group;
— Initiative Anthroposophical Meditation – Living Connections conferences – Goetheanum Meditation Initiative – conferences and video channel;
— Knowledge of the Higher Worlds in meditations and exercises – international initiative for young people.
— Spirit Self Lab – study group;